Craft Connect Wrecsam is a community crafting collective. We believe in the power of shared creative activity to support health, wellbeing, community cohesion and tackle social isolation. There are no ‘bosses’ and no ‘teachers’ at our sessions – we skill share and learn from each other. We focus on community crafting projects that extend beyond the group into the wider community, involving as many people as possible. We believe that when we help others we are also helping ourselves. Everyone is welcome at our sessions. We also operate a circular community crafting economy whereby surplus crafting items are often donated by the local community, and we repurpose those in the projects that we deliver, which then go on to help more people in our local communities.
Cyswllt Crefftau Wrecsam have attended the Llangollen Eisteddfod previously and have many interesting stories about the group on both the facebook and Instagram!
Facebook: https://facebook.com/craftconnectwrexham
Instagram: @craft_connect_wrecsam