Off Pitch Choir

Off Pitch Choir
Country representing: England
Number of performers in the whole group: 50
Participation: Non-Competitive

Off Pitch Choir is based at Caldy Rugby Club on The Wirral Peninsula.

It was first established in 2008 when some ex rugby players suggested starting a choir having seen Gareth Malone on TV. The choir’s first rehearsal had 12 singers (male and female) and the first song was Swing Low Sweet Chariot!  Very few in the choir read music but work hard to perform songs in 3 parts.

Since then the Off Pitch Choir have grown in number and so has their repertoire.  They are well known locally for their entertaining concerts and for including the audience in many performances. They raise money for many charities and have performed in some lovely venues including The Music Room at St George’s Hall and Lady Lever Art Gallery.