Biography: Corryvrechan is a Scottish dance display team with an international reputation, drawing dancers and musicians from across the UK. The team’s programme encompasses not only Scottish country dances but also a range of other Scottish dance traditions including Highland and Hebridean, Hard shoe and Shetland dances. The team is proud of its own expert musicians and indeed of its long and continuing tradition of working with some of the best Scottish musicians in the UK.
Corryvrechan perform at major Folk Festivals, Ceilidhs and charity events at home and overseas. Since 1991 when Corryvrechan won the ‘Group Display Dance’ Shield at the Sidmouth International Folk Festival, Corryvrechan have represented the UK, through the CIOFF organisation, at international festivals in Canada, Slovenia, USA, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Sardinia, Poland, Russia, France and Ireland.
Closer to home, the team has competed on several occasions at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod where they successfully reached the finals of the “Dance Champions” in both 2014 and 2017. In 2009, Corryvrechan was pleased to present their first full UK concert ‘A Scottish Spectacular’ which proved to be a huge success.
Members: 30
Homepage: http://www.corryvrechan.org.uk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/Corryvrechan
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Scottish_Dance
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Corryvrechan