As part of Volunteer Week, we are featuring a story each day from a volunteer, where they share their experiences of Llangollen International Eisteddfod.
Fond memories of Pumla and Numle
A memory that has stuck with us as a family for a number of years is when a choir from Port Elizabeth in South Africa came to Llangollen.
It was just after the end of Apartheid when The Mathews Singers Choir came to the Eisteddfod and were staying with families in the Johnstown area. The two ladies that stayed with us were named Pumla and Numle, with Pumla having a daughter the same age as my daughter Kate – approximately 7 years old. It was very enlightening to hear about their lives in their own country but the biggest shock was when Numle and I were together sharing the culinary delight of a ‘bag of chips from the chippy’. She suddenly started crying. I thought that something was drastically wrong, but she said it was the first time she had shared food with a white person and was very happy. My turn to start blubbering.
During the week there were a few more tear-jerking moments but it was a fantastic time. The ladies ended up going home with all sorts of goodies including a couple of teddies for Pumla’s daughter, nothing grand, but cue the tears.
At the end of their stay, all the local families gathered to wave their new friends off. Kate was allowed to get on their bus to say goodbye to the other people she had got to know during the week. The bus pulled off, I asked where’s Kate? The next thing I was running down the road chasing the bus.
No wonder their visit still sticks in our memories!
Karen Price, Volunteer
Competitors’ Committee
Did you know it takes 800 volunteers to put on a successful Eisteddfod?
United in their dedication to the festival and all the good that it stands for, volunteers give up their time and talent during the year and many travel long distances to help during Eisteddfod week. Would you like to join them?