It was a #TeamAsia final with one of the most closely fought contests seen in Llangollen for many years. Here are our judges winners:
Choir of the World:
Winners: Kammerchoir Manila – Philippines
Jayne Davies International Conductor’s Prize: Heather Johnson of Cantilon Chamber Choir – Canada
Runners Up to COTW:
Cantilon Chamber Choir – Canada
Delaware Choral Scholars – USA
Le Voci – England
Lucille Armstrong Dance Champions 2023:
Winners: Labschool Kebayoran Senior Highschool – Indonesia
Runners Up:
Loughgiel Folk Dancers – Northern Ireland
Soul Oasis Cultural Ambassadors – Trinidad & Tobago
Pendine International Voice of the Future:
Winner: Zihua Zhang – China
Runner-Up: Owain Rowlands – Wales
Charlotte Kelso – Australia
A huge congratulations to everyone who has competed and performed over the last week, we’ve had an absolute ball, and your joy in sharing your music and dance has really captured the town and far beyond.