To celebrate International Day of Peace (Friday, September 21st 2018) the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod is encouraging contestants from across the globe to play their small part in contributing towards world peace by participating in the forthcoming 2019 festival, from 2nd – 7th July.
Each year, the International Day of Peace, whose history is deeply connected to the long-standing traditions adopted by the Llangollen Eisteddfod, is observed around the world as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace amongst all nations.
The Llangollen Eisteddfod annually welcomes around 4,000 performers and up to 50,000 visitors to celebrate peace, friendship and goodwill through musical performance. The festival was established in 1947 as a means of healing the worldwide wounds of the Second World War, and help to promote lasting peace between nations. Since 1952, the young people of Wales have presented an uplifting Peace Message to the world to demonstrate how the small town of Llangollen could positively impact the furtherance of world peace through its initiative.
This year, the festival is appealing for female choirs to come forward and showcase their talent on the Royal International Pavilion stage with the chance to win an international medal and cash prizes of up to £3,000 if they progress to the Choir of the World final. The most well-known group categories feature choral, ensemble, dance and non-competitive participation.
Successful entrants will compete for a range of prestigious titles including Dance Champions of the World and the jewel in the crown of the festival, Choir of the World. 2019 will also see the return of the Acapella Group, Senior Children’s Choirs, Open Choirs, and Traditional Folk Dance Group, just to name a few.
Entries for all choral, ensemble and dance competitions will close on Friday 23 November 2018, while solo applications will open in early December.
Chairman of the International Eisteddfod, Dr Rhys Davies, said: “Every year, those who take part in the Eisteddfod come away with an unforgettable experience that stays with them forever.
“With the unique opportunity for performers from across the globe to compete on an international stage in a variety of 20 competitions, alongside such talented musicians and dancers, whilst making life-long friendships is something truly special.”
For more information on all the competitions or to apply through the Eisteddfod participants’ website visit: http://eisteddfodcompetitions.co.uk/