As part of Volunteer Week, we are featuring a story each day from a volunteer, where they share their experiences of Llangollen International Eisteddfod.
My First Year at LIME
In 2016, I was introduced to the fascinating and exciting world of LIME by my friend, Chris, as she and her husband have been volunteers for years. They worked as part of the backstage crew and this really interested me as I have been involved with local music & amateur dramatics societies for many years. I felt a little apprehensive meeting the crew for the first time but was immediately put at ease and made very welcome. I could only offer my help a few days due to prior commitments but that wasn’t a problem as they were pleased to have extra help.
The backstage crew are a great bunch of volunteers and I was so impressed how professional and well organised they are behind the scenes but still having fun and enjoying all that is unfolding around them. It only took a couple of days and I was hooked so I made sure that I was available for the whole week the following year – day & evening. I’m not denying that it wasn’t tiring but so worth it, meeting people from all over the world and watching and witnessing their joy and excitement when competing, it gives you such an incredible boost.

Sue (far right) pictured
with other members of the Continuity Team, Christopher Tin and artists from the Calling
all Nations concert. Photo (c) Michael Jones
My only regret is not volunteering years ago and I would encourage anyone who is considering giving it a go to just do it, there are many different areas and roles to work in. Yes, it is voluntary work but the joy of being part of a wonderful community who are providing such a multi‐cultural experience is just priceless.
I had the privilege to work with a brilliant group of backstage volunteers and I thank them for making me so welcome and made to feel part of this special team.
Sue Griffiths, Volunteer
Continuity Team
Did you know it takes 800 volunteers to put on a successful Eisteddfod?
United in their dedication to the festival and all the good that it stands for, volunteers give up their time and talent during the year and many travel long distances to help during Eisteddfod week. Would you like to join them?