(English) Folklore Dance Formation Bulgaria

Folklore Dance Formation Bulgaria

Ymddiheuraf, does dim ar gael yn Gymraeg.

Country representing: Bulgaria
Number of performers in the whole group: 25-30
Group website: https://www.facebook.com/ftfblgariacentralnaanglia/
Competitions Participating In: Choreographed/Stylised Folk-Dance Group, Llangollen Dance Off, Non-Competitive

Folklore Dance Formation ‘Bulgaria’ was founded in 2016 with the purpose of preserving and promoting Bulgarian folklore dancing and traditions in the UK. The formation has worked with embassies, local authorities and other community organisations to encourage community cohesion and cultural awareness in the UK and abroad. FDF ‘Bulgaria’ has taken part in many international festivals and has performed for several television channels.

Folklore Dance Formation Bulgaria has performed a few times in the non-competitive category at the International Musical Eisteddfod, including in 2024, where 50 dancers from the group took part. FDF ‘Bulgaria’ has a number of dance schools across the Midlands, including in Nottingham, Coventry, Stafford, and Doncaster. The formation aims to showcase authentic folklore dances as close as possible to their original form, as they were danced in Bulgaria many centuries ago.