(English) Ludlow Male Voice Choir

Ludlow Male Voice Choir

Ymddiheuraf, does dim ar gael yn Gymraeg.

Country representing: England
Number of performers in the whole group: 30
Group website: http://www.ludlow-mvc.co.uk
Participation: Non Competitive

Ludlow Male Voice Choir is a traditional four-part male voice choir based in South Shropshire.

Established 21 years ago, the choir has grown in number and ability and we sing an eclectic mix of songs in harmony. Our musical director, Darren Clarke, is a professional tenor and is accompanied on the piano by the very talented Jane Hughes. The choir are starting work on Mark Knopfler’s Brothers in Arms and currently sing songs from Simon and Garfunkel, Les Miserables as well as traditional hymns such as Gwahoddiad. The choir rehearse once a week and perform in public around six times a year and regularly perform at concerts in aid of local charities.

We are a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy singing and socialising with each other. We particularly enjoy singing with other choirs.

Facebook: Ludlow Male Voice Choir