(English) Sound of Folk

Ymddiheuraf, does dim ar gael yn Gymraeg.

Sound of Folk academy is serving the community since 2017 in terms of spreading the fragrance of Folk Dances and Folk Instruments.
Sound of Folk Academy present the Punjabi folk dances on various National and international stages.
In July 2023 academy selected  in Llangollen Musical Eisteddfod , but the visas was not granted only few of us got the chance to attend the festival , in upcoming  2024 As a team we tried our best to be there on time and present our culture,

Country representing: India

Have you been to the Llangollen Eisteddfod before?       yes

Where and how often do you rehearse?               In our Studio, thrice a week

Do you have any interesting stories about your group?  Yes, we represent our cultural performance in Republic Day Prade

How would you best describe your group? The school welcomes students of all ages, from young children to teenagers and adults, whether they are just starting out in teams or are veterans. Vocal Singing courses in Bhangra, Jindua, Sammi, Luddi, Ghoomer, Kalbelia, Dhammal, Dhol, and other instruments will be available for individuals who aren’t interested in competing but are still captivated by Punjabi culture.

Website:   www.soundoffolk.in